Monday, November 17, 2008

Louis XIV


We had a growing suspicion that the power of the king was growing to an untollerable amount. We also complained that the Parisian mob was becoming restless because of the famine which was taking place. His ideas of a devine right monarchy are bad in my opinion and he should not have the power to put this in place. The nobles should have more power in the decision making processes instead of just him deciding what will happen around here. His control over the government is unjustified and he should be taken from power.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thirty Years' War

The Thirty Years' War was a religious war between the Protestants and Catholics of the Holy Roman Empire. It eventually spread to become a major war that covered most of Europe. The Bourbons and the Habsburgs are the one that initially began the feuding but it later become a war of France verses the Habsburgs. Disease and famine played big roles in the war because each contributed to the weakening of both sides. Germany took a big loss during the war losing about 30% of its population.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Reformation - Luther

Martin Luther was a believer who saw the imperfections in the Catholic church and the religion itself. The Catholic church would sell indulgences to its believers which were supposed to forgive any and all sins that they have committed. Luther believed that this was a false assumption and that the church was just using the believers for their money, and that the indulgences wouldn't actually resolve anything. Luther firmly believed that the money being spent by the people were not even going to the church but rather the priests were pocketing it for their own fortunes. Luther then posted the ninety-five theses which were the ninety-five things he believed to be wrong with the Catolic church and the religion. He posted these on the church door and they were quickly copied and spread around to anybody and everybody who would read them. People believed that his ideas were right because they made more sense than the church's ideas.