Monday, February 23, 2009

World War I

I am a 23 year old English soldier from the city of Paris. I am here because i can not stand those awful Germans. They think that all other nations are inferior to them and that they can just brush us to the side in order for them to gain all they power they want and desire. The Germans are wrong for even thinking that this is an acceptable way of thinking and need to be taught a lesson. I am overwhelmed with excitement that I can be part of this process of putting Germany in their place.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Male Factory Laborer

My job as a factory worker means that I have great job security. Do to the Unionization i now do not have to worry about how i am going to pay for the things that my family needs. But what i do have to worry about is my working conditions. Many of my close friends and co-workers have been seriously injured or even killed because of the poor conditions that we are forced to work in. Yes we do choose to be here, but really we have no other choice. It's either work here and risk our lives to make the necessary money, or struggle to find any other jobs that pay enough to keep food on the table. although i do not agree with the conditions that Unionization has brought along with it, i am very thankful for the opportunities it has given me.